Mon. Mar 10th, 2025



Your Most merciful, gracious, Forgiving, Long-suffering, Redeeming, Restoring, Most Honorable, and Most Excellent Excellency,

Bharat Ganarajya Ki Jai. Long live Bharat Ganarajya. Mahatma Mohandasji Karamchandji Gandhiji Ki Jai. Long live the Great Republic of Bharat. Long Live the Great Hindu People. I love, adore, admire, respect, honor, revere, venerate, praise, and applaud the Great Republic of Bhārat Gaṇarājya. I adore the Great People of Bharat. I adore the Great Hindu People. I adore the Great Culture of Bharat. I adore the Great Food of Bharat. I adore the Great Architecture of Bharat. I have many Hindu relatives and friends. I daily eat only Indian Food. My kitchen is full of foods Made in Bharat. I daily watch Indian Cable television Star Plus, Zee TV, and Sony. Long Live the Great Republic of Bhārat Gaṇarājya. Long Live the Great People of Bhārat Gaṇarājya. Long Live the Great Hindu People. God bless the Great Hindu People. God bless the Great Republic of Bhārat Gaṇarājya. God bless the Great People of Bhārat Gaṇarājya.

Namaste. Peace.

Bharat Ganarajya Ki Jai. Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhiji Ki Jai. Long live Bharat.

Peace. I am an admirer of Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhiji. I respect, honor, praise, and revere Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhiji. Peace.


Definition of Rape

unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person’s will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception


Sexual Predator Andrew Miller was sent, to destroy me, because his name is a contraction of the names of two of my Theology Professors. I respect and honor both these Professors.

In about 2001, a group of professional and lascivious sexual predators, rapists, con-men, and expert manipulators named Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller was sent to me as a Trojan Horse for the purpose of sexually assaulting me; infiltrating, destroying and undoing my organization and me; copying my Database from my computer and destroying it on my own computer. They came as Christian missionaries under the pretext of saving my family and my Parsi Community from going to hell. The Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller gang-raped me with the intent to destroy me. The Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller gang-raped me In the Name of Lord Jesus Christ. The Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller gang-raped me using the Name of Lord Jesus Christ. They laughed at me during and after they gang-raped me. I have wept frequently at being gang-raped by Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller. I have taken thousands of showers and baths to wash away Benjamin Engle’s and Andrew Miller’s gang-rape filth from me.

Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller infiltrated my organization and accompanied me everywhere that I was a member in Maryland and Texas, and turned them against me with their lies. One Gentleman told me, “You gave them credibility. I would not have believed them except you spoke highly of them.” The Trojan Horse robbed my organization’s Database of email addresses, copied it onto their own computers, and destroyed it on my computer.  Then they emailed and faxed my contacts from my Database which they had stolen from me and defamed me. I was a missionary in USA and Bharat. I prayed for the healing of incurably ill People.


The Trojan Horse had been formally trained against me for years before they came to me. My Parsi Community is a closed people group.  Parsis do not permit outsiders to become members. Other than the Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller, I have never known any outsider to speak the Gujarati language of my Parsi community as fluently as a native. Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller knew the Gujarati language of my Parsi Community as fluently as a native, and could read, write, and speak it as fluently as a native, in the accent of a native. They pretended in great detail that I taught them the Gujarati language of my Parsi community within one to two months.

Twin Andrew Miller asked me for a list of words in the Gujarati language of my Community which he said he wanted to memorize to learn the language. He collected many words, of everyday use, from me in that language. Andrew Miller would ask me to translate to my Community’s Gujarati language, words of everyday use, like hello, name, yes, no, is, was, etc. He told me that he wanted to learn and memorize those words. After collecting the words from me, he began to speak short sentences. He would ask me questions about sentence structures somewhat like, Does the verb come after the noun or does the noun come after the verb? He gave explanations that he was able to form sentences from the words I gave him because of Linguistics principles he learned from Harvard. Since Harvard is a prestigious university, I believed him and did not doubt. After collecting the words from me, when he would speak the Gujarati language of my community, he would pretend to pause and think while speaking. He would pause and pretend to have difficulty forming sentences. I encouraged him to speak without short pauses in his speech. Then he abruptly began to speak fast and fluently like a national (native).

Since Twin Andrew Miller deceived me into thinking that I had taught him my Gujarati language within 1-2 months, I had been impressed at his ability to learn a foreign language so fluently within just a month or two. I told him often that I was impressed that he could accomplish so much. I did not suspect Twin Andrew Miller because of the prestigious university, Harvard, that he was educated at. A Baptist missionary informed me that he spent four years to learn to speak the language of his host country. It would take an average person many years to learn to speak, read, and write a language as fluently as a native and with the accent of a native.

In the years that the Twins lived with me, they never ever told me that they had studied any Gujarati language before they came to me. They told me that one of them, Twin Andrew Miller, had a degree in Linguistics. Initially, Twin Andrew Miller told me that they did not learn languages in his degree but only linguistics principles. Twin Andrew Miller also told us that he knew French, and would talk with another person, Ms. Claire, in French. Hence, I believed him when he told me that he learned the language from me because of his formal training in linguistics principles. I was so naive, simple, and trusting that I did not suspect how both the Twins spoke my mother-tongue so fluently when only Twin Andrew Miller had told us that he had a degree in Linguistics. Twin Benjamin Engle said he had a degree in Philosophy. Twin Benjamin Engle started speaking my mother-tongue, fluently, later on in his stay with me. I did not suspect how Twin Benjamin Engle learned my mother-tongue from me so fluently. I did not teach Benjamin Engle my mother-tongue at all. They both knew my mother-tongue so fluently that they often corrected me when I spoke in it. They informed me that my Community members told them that they spoke our Gujarati language with the accent of Feroze. They could key into their computer in the Gujarati language of my community in Roman fonts. Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller went to great extent to deceive me that I taught them my mother-tongue Gujarati within one to two months.

Sometime after Twin Andrew Miller began visiting my apartment on my Christian College campus, in year 2000, he told us that he took classes in Hindi and Urdu at Harvard. He would attend my prayer meetings in my apartment and tell us he flew in from Harvard to attend them. He told us that he was taking classes in Urdu language, and would request us frequently for prayer to fare well in his Urdu exams. He even told me that he sat next to someone in a bus who spoke Urdu. Again, Twin Andrew Miller talked with me about having learned other languages but they never talked about having had prior training in my Parsi Community’s Gujarati language. Also again, they both told me that I taught them my Parsi Community’s Gujarati language within one to two months, but I never taught Benjamin Engle the language at all. They were professionally trained against me for many years and were sent to gang-rape me with the intent to destroy me.


Sexual Predators Christian Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller learned my mother-tongue Gujarati of my small Parsi Community for the purpose of gaining entrance into my heart, my home, and my Parsi Community. They went to elaborate extent to deceive me into believing that I taught them my language within one or two months. They told me they came to me to save my family and my Parsi Community from going to hell. Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller used their skills in my mother-tongue Gujarati to win my trust and they gang-raped me. Please Beware of Christian Missionaries who know Your Most Excellent Mother-Tongue because they have learned your Mother-Tongue for the purpose of converting you to Christianity and then raping you.

The Trojan Horse was motivated by a desire to dominate and control me.

Every morning, Sexual Predator Mr. Andrew Miller would wake up and try to forcibly remove my pants for the purpose of raping me. When he would wake up in the mornings, he would pretend to be possessed by the devil, move about his body (twist, turn, swaying, bend, stretch, lean forward, lean backward, swing from side to side, shake below his waist, and make other hand and body movements and facial gestures) as though he were possessed by demons, and forcibly try to unzip and pull down my pants to rape me. Similarly, Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle would also frequently act like a cartoon. Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle frequently had an erection in my presence.  I believed Sexual Predators Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller’s lie that they were oppressed by demons. I pitied them because I was deceived into thinking that they were oppressed or possessed by demons. Sexual Predators Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller slept about 8 hours every weeknight and about 12 hours a night on weekends.

Sexual Predator Andrew Miller would wrap himself around me and refuse to let go of me until I put my hand on his shoulder. I was forced to put my hand on his shoulder so he would let go of me, and each time after I put my hand on his shoulder, he would make a sound, “mmmm,” “yummmmy,” or “yum-yum.” I did not understand whether Andrew Miller was waiting a fixed duration every time or waiting for me to place my hand on his shoulder before he made the sounds. I found his acts of wrapping himself around me and making sounds “mmmm,” “yummmmy,” or “yum-yum” to be repulsive.

Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller were daily and totally nude in my presence. Benjamin Engle frequently had an erection.

Sexual Predator Mr. Benjamin Engle frequently and totally stripped from head to foot, approached me, and told me among other things, “I want to put my penis into your rear.” I would object, and say, “No. No,” and try to push him away from me. Benjamin Engle frequently and violently pushed his hand into my pants, even when he was in my car with me while I was driving on a public road, and forcibly held my penis against my wishes.

Sexual Predators Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller frequently and forcibly removed my pants and forcibly raped me, frequently, with the intent to destroy me. The Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller frequently raped me with the intent to destroy me.

The Trojan Horse forcibly sexually assaulted me against my wishes with the intent to destroy me.  I solemnly affirm that I never ever asked them or instructed them to have sex with me; They not only voluntarily initiated it but forcibly did it to me. I never ever gave them my consent. I objected and tried my best to push them away. I told them explicitly and repeatedly that I did not like or want them in any physical way. The thought is abhorrent to me. Every morning, immediately after waking up, Mr. Andrew Miller would reach for my pants, try to unzip them, and try to forcibly remove my pants to rape me. He knew how to make the sound of a trumpet with his hand and mouth. Mr. Andrew Miller would frequently make a sound with his hand on his mouth which he called, “blowing the trumpet.”

I woke up in the middle of one night, and found Sexual Predator Mr. Andrew Miller looking at the internet on the notebook computer. When I went close to him, he closed the computer very quickly. He told me that he was watching pornography of older men. He said to me that that he liked watching pornography of older men. I have no doubt that Twin Andrew Miller was secretly scheming late every night by internet with my Christian College USA and the Bible Translation organization in Orlando and Dallas USA on Raping me with the intent to destroy me. I have no doubt that Twin Andrew Miller was secretly receiving instructions late every night by internet on Raping me with the intent to destroy me.

Sexual Predator Andrew Miller told me that the most famous Bible translation organization in Orlando USA and Dallas USA sent him to me to rape me. Andrew Miller told me that he was sent by the most famous Bible translation organization in Orlando USA and Dallas USA for whom he worked in Sudan. For this reason, I treated him with honor and respect. Later on, he changed his story and said he was working for this organization in Chad.

Sexual Predator Andrew Miller told me that he did not attend my Christian College, but his brother Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle did. In the first two weeks of my meeting with Sexual Predator Andrew Miller, he was with me and a few other students at my Christian College’s library. Andrew Miller said he needed to use the College’s internet, which was password-protected, on the library’s computers. He looked upwards, closed his eyes, and within a second, said he had guessed his brother Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle’s password. Within seconds, he was into my Christian College’s library computer. Andrew Miller had to have been connected with my Christian College for him to have used a password for their library internet.

On June 8, 2003, the day that the Twins left me, outside a restaurant in Texas, Twin Sexual Predator Andrew Miller told me, Quote, “I will destroy you. I will destroy your mother and father. I will destroy your family. I will destroy your . . . . ,” Unquote. Please compare Sexual Predator Andrew Miller’s words with his name which sounds like Andheroo in Gujarati.

On about May 8, 2003, Twins Sexual Predators Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller left together. Twin Benjamin Engle called me after a few hours, and said that that he was being held in a hotel room against his will and that he was calling me secretly from the bathroom. I asked him to call 911 and he replied that he was not able to call 911 on his mobile phone. I called my attorney in Dallas to request his advise. My attorney gave me an FBI Agent’s name and advised me to advise Benjamin Engle to call the FBI.

(Christian missionaries Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller used Christian sorcery to give my Attorney in Dallas Alzheimer’s Disease)
After a few hours, Sexual Predator Twin Benjamin Engle returned to me. The reason that he gave for his return was that he had not yet accomplished what he had come to do. He said, “I have not yet accomplished what I came to do.” They were sent for the purpose of gang-raping me, destroying me, and undoing me and my organization. They copied my database from my computer and destroyed it on my own computer. They lived for free in my family’s home in Maryland USA for about two years without paying any rent at all. In both Maryland and Texas USA, they accompanied me everywhere because they wanted to infiltrate my life and my organization for the purpose of turning my friends against me.


There were no locks on the doors or windows in my house that the Trojan Horse could not unlock and leave. Every day, two of them worked at jobs while the other two went to universities to study. That is what they told me. I left every day at about 7 AM to go to my two jobs and returned home at about 7 PM. For a year, the Twins dropped me off at my first job, drove off in my car, picked me up from my first job and dropped me off at my second job, drove off in my car, and picked me up late evening at my second job. They wanted possession, control, and domination of my car at all times. They did not want me to have access to my own car. They did not want me to use my own car. I arrived home at about 7:30 PM every weekday. Then I cooked for them for two hours every night, and then I prepared for my job for the next day until about 12:30 AM every weekday.

For the first year, none of the Trojan Horse worked with me at the locations of my jobs, so they could have easily left in my absence. They took my car with them every day after dropping me at my jobs. I do not know where they went all day with my car. They, especially Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle, had possession of my car keys at all times. They frequently drove to stores, grocery stores, and Post Office without me. They also had their own blue Bronco car. They could have left anytime. Twin Andrew Miller had his own cell phone. There were public phones in most places then. The Twins’ mother came to visit them many times, and I drove away once leaving them alone together at a restaurant. The Twins and I had lunch with their mother at a restaurant in her town once, and visited her home at another time for a few days, just a few weeks before they left me.

Ms. Renee, the sister of Mr. Aaron, came to my home and stayed alone with her brother for a few hours. I requested the Twins to give Ms. Renee and her brother my snacks and soft drinks. I left them alone and went to another floor.

I requested them all many times, very respectfully and politely, to leave. I also told them daily, “Get Out,” while I pointed to the front door of my house, and daily requested them to leave but they refused to leave. They had my car and a mobile (cell) phone with them at all times and could have easily left and gone home any time they wanted to but they refused to leave. They met with their family privately and regularly.

Mr. Aaron told us in Asia, London (England), and Maryland USA that he had dirtied his trousers with stool.
I regularly asked Mr. Aaron to leave my home but he refused to leave. When I would ask Mr. Aaron to leave, he would walk out my house door and stand right outside it. I would tell him to move away from the door so he would go home. He would step away for a few minutes and then return back to the door. A few times I requested Twin Benjamin Engle to give Mr. Aaron the keys to Twin Benjamin Engle’s Bronco car, and requested Mr. Aaron to sit in it and drive away. Towards the end of Mr. Aaron’s stay with me, I requested Twin Benjamin Engle to give Mr. Aaron his Bronco car’s keys and requested Mr. Aaron to not enter my home again. I told him he could drive away if he wanted. He insisted on entering my home. He told us that he had dirtied his trousers with stool, and forcibly pushed his way into my home. Mr. Aaron forcibly pushed his way into my home again and again. One day, I requested him to go away from us to another room while the Twins and I were talking privately. He refused. So I requested him to go wait in the shower stall of the bathroom that was right by us, and shut the door behind him, so he would not be able to hear what we were talking about. I said “shower stall” because I suspected he would try to listen to our conversation by standing near the bathroom door. At once, Mr. Aaron replied that he was going home.

Ms. Carrie, one of the Trojan Horse, left about a half a dozen to a dozen times, voluntarily returned, and pushed her way into my family’s home. Please notice the similarities in the names Darren, Aaron, and Carrie. They were sent to rape me with the intent to destroy me.

I asked Sexual Predator Twin Andrew Miller on Matlock Road in Arlington, Texas to get out of my car and return to his home. He got out of my car, and I drove off. I saw him running towards my car. So I reversed my car towards him and he got back in.

Two of them said they went to jobs and the other two said they went to universities of their own choices. For a year, I went to a job alone without any of them working with me. There were four of them versus only one of me. Each of the Twin Sexual Predators among them was at least four inches taller, and stronger, than me. The Twin Sexual Predators and I regularly checked my weight and it was always 170 pounds, which was less than each of theirs. Twin Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle would punch me with his fists and laugh in victory while there would be tears in my eyes from the pain. They were sent as an organized Trojan Horse with a focus to gang-rape, destroy and undo me and my organization.

Twin Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle told me that he was engaged to be married to FBI Agent Frank’s daughter Ms. Jessie. When Twin Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle was with me, he supposedly broke up with her. About a year or two after Twin Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle supposedly broke up with FBI Agent Frank’s daughter, I advised Twin Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle to donate his car to Pastor. He gave the car and the keys to Pastor. Twin Sexual Predator Benjamin Engle did not sign the car title or give the car title to Pastor. Pastor called a few days later to say that he could not transfer the car to his name because it was registered in the name of an FBI Agent Frank. I was naive and simple and did not realize how Twin Benjamin Engle could have had FBI Agent Frank’s car for more than a year after he broke up with his daughter. I also did not question him why he did not tell me that his car belonged to FBI Agent Frank and not him.

The Trojan Horse filed false charges against me for assault on my parents’ wedding anniversary on August 11, 2003. My trial did not take place until March 2008, violating my rights of the Sixth Amendment guaranteeing a speedy trial. In the meantime, my Christian Sexual Predators stole all my reference letters and Diplomas from my banks’ safe deposit boxes and killed most of my friends and Professors who were my potential character witnesses, by means of Occult.  The Occult generated by Sexual Predators Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller killed my father exactly one month after my Court Probation was over. My Court Probation was supposed to be over on March 8, 2011, but the Probation Office extended it to March TENTH, 2011. Hence my Probation ended on March TENTH, 2011, and the Occult generated by Sexual Predators Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller killed my father, by means of Occult, on April TENTH, 2011.



Bharat Ganarajya Ki Jai. Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhiji Ki Jai. Long live Bharat.
Peace. I am an admirer of Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhiji. I respect, honor, praise, and revere Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhiji. Peace.

Peace. I believe in Non-Violence. Peace.

Peace. I believe in the inalienable rights of all animals. I am vegetarian. I believe in the ethical and humane treatment of all animals. I do not eat any meat, chicken, fish, eggs, animal-rennet, or honey, or any products that contain these. I never wear any leather, wool, silk, down, or fur. My shoes and belt are always non-leather. I never purchase or own any leather-covered books. My soap and toothpaste are vegan. Peace.

Peace. I am opposed to the use of animals in food, clothing, medical research, cosmetic testing, transportation, entertainment, circuses, zoos, hunting, rodeos, & animal fights. I support the use of non-animal alternatives to medical and psychological research. Peace.

Peace. I believe that a vegan diet is healthier than a non-vegan diet. I believe that vegans have fewer diseases, like heart problems, than non-vegans do. I believe that the rate of obesity is lower in vegans than in non-vegans. Peace.

Peace. I believe in the inalienable rights of all animals. I believe in the ethical and humane treatment of all animals. I believe in animal rights. Peace.


Mahatma Mohandasji Karamchandji Gandhiji Ki Jai. Bhārat Gaṇarājya Ki Jai. Long Live Bhārat Gaṇarājya.
Please would you forgive me? I humbly apologize. I am very sorry. Thank you very much for your mercy, grace, goodness, compassion, forgiveness, redemption, understanding, restoration, and kindness to my family and me. I am very grateful to you. Namaste.

I love, adore, respect, honor, revere, venerate, praise, and applaud our Beloved Bhārat Gaṇarājya.

I love, adore, respect, honor, revere, venerate, praise, and applaud our Great Hindu People.

Long Live our Beloved Bhārat Gaṇarājya. Long Live our Beloved Hindustan. Long Live our Beloved Hindu People. Long Live our Beloved Bharat.

May God bless You. May God bless our Beloved Bhārat Gaṇarājya. May God bless our Beloved Hindustan.

May God bless our Beloved Hindu People. May God bless our Beloved Bharat.

Mahatma Mohandasji Karamchandji Gandhiji Ki Jai. Bhārat Gaṇarājya Ki Jai.